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19世纪30年代,面对着自工业革命开始后英国社会的巨大变化,打着改革旗号上台执政的辉格党政府,在中产阶级激进派的压力和帮助下,开始推出相应的改革措施,以求适应新形势下的社会发展。在辉格党的诸多改革措施中,特别是在济贫法的改革上,信奉边沁功利主义学说的哲学激进派发挥了重要的影响,这也是功利主义学说在实践中的第一次大规模应用。济贫法的改革虽然推动了英国向现代工业社会的转型,但是由于功利主义学说自身的局限性,以及鲜明的阶级特征,极大地损害了下层工人阶级的利益,激化了社会矛盾,留下了深刻的历史经验和教训。 In the 1830s, faced with the great changes in British society since the industrial revolution began, the Whig Party government, which took the presidency over the reform, began to launch the corresponding reform measures under the pressure and help of the radical class of the middle class Seeking to adapt to the social development in the new situation. In the reform of the Whig Party, especially in the reform of the poor and the poor, the Philosophical radical, which embraced the doctrine of Benthamism, played an important role, which was the first large-scale application of the utilitarian theory in practice . Although the reform of poverty relief law has promoted Britain’s transition to modern industrial society, due to the limitations of utilitarianism and its distinctive class characteristics, it has greatly damaged the interests of the working class and sharpened social conflicts, leaving a deep impression Historical experience and lessons.
关键词 演反现代化—全球化,原因,资本主义,文化独特性,现实诉求  中图分类号 G63 文献标识码 B 文章编号 0457-6241(2014)03-0003-04  反现代化—全球化思潮产生的原因,有一些我们比较熟悉。如封建统治阶级为了维护既有利益或重新取得曾经有过的利益而对新的生产力和社会力量持排斥态度,再如现代化—全球化过程对人类生存环境造成严重破坏,引起人们激烈抗议等,对这些我们都比较熟悉