我国自唐代实行“开科取士”以来,逐渐使活泼泼的散文流变而成为明清时代僵死的八股。文风窒息,文气衰竭,思想也遭了禁锢。虽有一二有识之士振臂疾呼、身体力行,拯救文章倾颓于一时,勇开思路奔突在当世,但皆于事无补。如同钱塘龚自珍所形容的那样,到处是一株株畸形的病梅。“之祸之烈”达到难以纠正的地步! 至“五四”新文化运动新面重开,一扫封建思想与文章遗习的陈腐风气,以崭新的白话文突现于神州大地。正象一盏明灯挂在天
Since the Tang Dynasty adopted the principle of “Taking a Scholarship for Business”, it has gradually transformed the lively prose into the stereotype of the Ming and Qing dynasties. The style suffocated, the text failed, and his thoughts were imprisoned. Although there were one or two people of insight who shouted and acted in self-reliance, saving the article was all the time, and the courage to open up thoughts was in the world, but it did not help. As described by Qiantang Gong Zizhen, there is a malformed disease plum everywhere. “The fierce disaster” has reached a point where it is difficult to correct! To the May Fourth Movement, the new face of the new culture movement reopened, sweeping away the feudal ideology and the old habit of literary legacy, and using a new vernacular to appear in the land of Shenzhou. Just like a lamp hanging on the sky