The Gauss-Seidel method is effective to solve the traditional sparse linear system. In the paper, we define a class of sparse linear systems in iterative algorithm. The iterative method for linear system can be extended to the dummy sparse linear system. We apply the Gauss-Seidel method, which is one of the iterative methods for linear system, to the thermal model of floorplan of VLSI physical design. The experimental results of dummy sparse linear system are computed by using Gauss-Seidel method that have shown our theory analysis and extendibility. The iterative time of our incremental thermal model is 5 times faster than that of the inverting matrix method.
The paper, we define a class of sparse linear systems in iterative algorithm. The iterative method for linear system can be extended to the dummy sparse linear system. We apply the Gauss-Seidel method, which is one of the iterative methods for linear system, to the thermal model of floorplan of VLSI physical design. The experimental results of dummy sparse linear system are computed by using Gauss-Seidel method that have shown our theory analysis and extendibility. The iterative time of our incremental thermal model is 5 times faster than that of the inverting matrix method.