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2000年西湖国际雕塑邀请展是杭州历史上第一次大型户外国际雕塑艺术的展示活动,展场地点为西子湖畔的太子湾公园。太子湾公园位于西湖西侧,南屏山下,是一个有山有水,绿树葱笼的地方,11月2日,55位中外雕塑家的作品就在这依山傍水的地方与观众见面了。 此次展览的主题是“山、水、人”。针对杭州富于江南山水灵性的自然风光和人文胜景,根据太子湾公园倚山面水,幽雅迂回、植被葱笼、景观齐备的地理条件,展览主题强调的是自然的诗意,让雕塑与优美的自然环境和谐共生、相得益彰,以雕塑丰富江南的诗意,以典型的江南风景丰 The 2000 West Lake International Sculpture Invitation Exhibition is the first large-scale outdoor sculpture exhibition in Hangzhou history. The exhibition venue is Taiziwan Park on the West Lake. Located on the west side of West Lake and under the Nanping Mountain, Prince Bay Park is a place where there are mountains and water and verdant green trees. On November 2, 55 Chinese and foreign sculptor’s works met the audience in this mountainside area It’s The theme of this exhibition is “Mountain, Water, People”. According to the spiritual natural scenery and humanistic scenery of Hangzhou rich in landscapes of Jiangnan, according to the geographical conditions of Taishan Bay Park, the elegance and detour, the green vegetation and the landscape, the theme of the exhibition emphasizes the poetic nature and makes the sculpture and the beautiful Harmonious natural environment, complement each other, to enrich the poetic Jiangnan sculpture to a typical abundance of southern scenery