本刊自1981年第一期起将辟“标准与质量”专栏。本专栏将刊载过程检测控制仪表和系统标准化、质量和性能评定可靠性的论著、国家标准和专业标准草案及说明、国家标准化组织(ISO)和国际电工委员会(IEC)的标准草案译文、国内外标准化和质量活动的动态等等。本专栏除由 IEC/TC65“过程测量和控制”、ISO/TC30“封闭管道件的流量测量”和 ISO/TC10/TC3“仪表图形符号”的国内归口单位——上海工业自动化仪表研究所供稿外,欢迎各界投稿和提出宝贵意见。
Since 1981, the first issue of this issue will open up “standard and quality ” column. This column will contain a series of treatises on the standardization, quality and performance evaluation of process control instruments and systems, drafts and descriptions of national and professional standards, translations of draft standards of the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) and the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) The dynamics of standardization and quality activities and more. This column in addition to the IEC / TC65 “process measurement and control ”, ISO / TC30 “closed pipe parts flow measurement ” and ISO / TC10 / TC3 “instrument graphic symbols ” the domestic focal point - Shanghai Industrial Automation Instrumentation Institute, the draft is welcome to submit submissions and put forward their valuable opinions.