以政治落实为牵引 提升民兵组织建设质量——浅议民兵组织整顿中的政治工作

来源 :西南民兵 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:huazhongtan
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政治落实是民兵工作“三落实”中贯穿全局的重要内容,是深化职能意识、确保队伍纯洁,促进军事过硬的重要保证。笔者认为,做好新形势下民兵整组中的政治工作应注重把握“五个强化”强化整组工作的重要性。民兵整组工作既是各级人民政府加强本地区国防后备力量建设的基本职能,也是人武系统年度武装中心工作的首要任务,从军地领导到各级组织实施人员,都必须树立高度的政治责任感和紧迫感,克服“整组工作是军事机关的事”和“年年整组一个样、能够应付就了事”的模糊认识,形成军地合力、齐抓共建的良好局面,搞好人、财、物的保障,确保年度民兵整组工作落到实处。 Political implementation is an important part of the work of the militia that runs through the overall situation in “implementing the three guarantees.” It is an important guarantee for deepening the sense of function and ensuring that the ranks are pure and that the military is excellent. The author believes that under the new situation, the political work in the entire militia should pay attention to grasping the importance of “strengthening the whole group” of “five strengthening”. The entire group of militiamen is not only the basic function of the people’s government at all levels in strengthening the building of our national defense reserve force, but also the top task of the armed forces in the annual armed forces system. From the military leadership to the organization and implementation of personnel at all levels, we must establish a high sense of political responsibility and Sense of urgency and overcoming the ambiguous understanding that “the whole group of work is a matter of the military organs” and “the whole group is the same every year and can cope with the incident,” thus forming a good situation in which the military forces can work together to achieve common development, We will do a good job in safeguarding people, property and property so as to ensure that the entire group of militiamen work in an effective manner.
一、纪念中国统计学会成立十周年 争取我国社会经济统计理论的基j峡破 李成瑞(5·1) 联系实际探讨理论的十年 岳巍(5.8) 继往和开来 王一夫(5.13) 为提高国情透明度而奋斗 黄
<正> 1989年3月11—14日,中国和民主德国的哲学学者在京举行了学术讨论会。这次讨论会是中国社会科学院和民主德国科学院学术交流合作协议的一部分,它标志着两国的友好交流发展到一个新的阶段。由于这次会议既是中、德两国,同时也是中国同东欧社会主义国家举行的首次哲学讨论会,因而
在美国“打的”,如果你坐副座,司机会一路与你谈笑风生;你若坐 在了后面,司机便板着脸一言不发。要知究竟 何故,这位先生将告诉你其中的奥秘。 W hen you take a taxi in the