【摘 要】
I heard a bird sing In the dark of December. A magical thing And sweet to remember, “We are nearer to spring Than we were in September, ” I heard a bird sing In the dark of December. 夜半十二月,
I heard a bird sing
In the dark of December.
A magical thing
And sweet to remember,
“We are nearer to spring
Than we were in September, ”
I heard a bird sing
In the dark of December.
子漠 译任红坡 摘自 December
美国是世界上最发达的国家之一,中国是最大的发展中国家之一,两国无论在历史文化还是科技教育方面,都存在着差异和距离。如果你正准备留学美国,那么了解一下美国学生的校园生活,对你来说是很有必要的。今天让我们一同走进美国学生宿舍,看看他们的宿舍是什么样子的。 When you arrived, what was your room like? Gwynedd Mercy College has re
We were a very motley1 crowd of people who took the bus every day that summer 33 years ago. During the early morning ride from the suburb, we sat drowsily2 with our collars up to our ears, a cheerless
There are many people who could be Olympic Champions, all Americans who have never tried.I’d estimate1 five million people could have beaten me in the pole vault2 on the years I won it, at least five
1995年出道的恩里克·伊格莱西亚斯唱片销量高达1 000万张之多,可以说是唱片销量最好的拉丁歌手。令大家佩服的是他不但不愿意接受父亲胡里奥的庇护,也不希望别人拿他跟父亲比较,恩里克就是凭着自己的实力闯出了自己的天空。他那深情的歌声和演绎征服了无数歌迷的心。虽然恩里克是拉丁男孩,但从他身上却看不出拉丁民族热情奔放的特质,反而是羞涩敏感的性格,特别吸引人。 At the dawn of the
一句温暖的话语,就能感化迷失的心灵;一个温情的拥抱,就能消除心灵的隔阂。原来,父母给予我们的爱竟这般博大﹑ 深邃。拥有了这份爱,就没有不能经受的风雨;拥有了这份爱,怎还会惧怕世间的艰难? “Will you tell Daddy for me?” That was the worst part. At seventeen, telling my mom I was pregnant was
克里斯·伯克:1965年8月26日出生于纽约,是深受美国人喜爱的人物之一。虽然一出生就是一位唐氏症患者,但他却是一名很有天赋的演员,因饰演电视剧《Life Goes on》中的Corky Thatcher而一举成名。此外,他还是一本畅销书《A Special Kind of Hero》的创作者之一,并且是《The National Down’s Syndrome Society 》杂志的总编辑。但
有人说会英语和懂电脑是21世纪人才所必备的素质,那么我想如果能用英语谈论像分辨率、内存等这样专业的电脑方面的问题,那他可要算得上“21世纪的高素质人才了”! Drew : Hey, Marco, you don’t use computer that much, do you? Marco: I’ve been giving this a lot of thought. You know,
I have been totally silence over this for a long period of time. But for sure, I won’t ever forget it. It’s certainly kind of a permanent memory. We have been classmates since our senior high school.
不要以为父母一遍遍讲述的故事太絮叨,太无聊。等你也为人父母时,就会发现原来你也爱上了这样的故事,爱给你的孩子讲这样的故事。这是为什么呢? When you don’t see someone that often, you both tend to forget what you’ve told each other. My dad has a stockpile1 of sayings,
演讲者:阿梅莉亚·埃尔哈特,(1897~1937)美国飞行员,是第一位单人穿越大西洋(1932年)并从夏威夷飞抵加利福尼亚(1935年)的女性。当她尝试环球飞行时,在太平洋中坠机并失踪(1937年)。自1937年7月2日后,她的命运就无人得知,美国进行了大量的救援,但都无功而返。 Obviously, research regarding technological unemployment