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古诗是我国古典文学长河中一颗璀璨的明珠,不仅蕴含着中华民族的优秀传统文化,而且有着潜移默化的教育功能。学习古诗词是提高学生文学素养,陶冶情操的重要途径。那么,如何让孩子们领略古诗的美,让孩子们通过古诗的学习,进而受到传统文化的熏陶呢?我认为在古诗词教学中可以做到以下四个注重:一、要注重教给学生学习古诗的方法古诗学习对于弘扬我国优秀文化传统,夯实新一代文化底蕴发挥着巨大的作用,必须大力加强古诗词的学习、积累。 Ancient poetry is a bright pearl in the river of classical Chinese literature. It not only contains the excellent traditional culture of the Chinese nation, but also has a subtle influence on education. Learning ancient poems is an important way to improve students’ literary attainments and cultivate sentiments. So, how to make children appreciate the beauty of ancient poetry, so that children learn through ancient poetry, and then influenced by the traditional culture? I think in ancient poetry teaching can do the following four focus: First, we must focus on teaching to students learning Ancient Poetry Learning Ancient Chinese poetry plays an enormous role in carrying forward our excellent cultural traditions and solidifying a new generation of cultural heritage. We must vigorously strengthen the study and accumulation of ancient poetry.
摘 要:当今世界科技迅猛发展,科研人才在社会经济发展中具有至关重要作用。本科生作为科技拔尖人才的新生力量,是国家未来的希望。对本科生科研素养的培养,在国家未来的发展中具有举足轻重的作用。文章从教学方案等方面探讨有利于科技拔尖人才培养的教学与实践方案,提出环境工程拔尖人才培养体系及选拔机制,为相关专业拔尖人才的培养提供理论借鉴。  关键词:环境工程;本科生;拔尖人才  中图分类号:C961 文献标志