The patient, 27 years old, gay male, developed the first episode of multiple violet-colored papular lesions on the skin in September 1993. At this point, its serum HIV positive for 2 years. Skin biopsy showed Kaposi’s sarcoma (KS). Physical examination showed signs of pleural effusion. Chest radiograph confirmed the physical examination results, and found diffuse nodular infiltration. Thoracentesis hemorrhagic effusion, negative bacterial test. Bronchoscopy is normal. Chest CT scan showed pleural effusion and diffuse nodular infiltration and found that the 11th thoracic spondylolisthesis was benign. Radionuclide bone scan normal. Spinal magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) showed nodular lesions of the thoracic vertebrae 11, 12 and the lumbar vertebrae 1 and 2, and the lesion showed more clearly after injection with gadolinium. Abdominal ultrasound showed retroperitoneal lymph nodes