儿子从小体弱多病, 因此被全家精心呵护着,成为一个懂事、听话、温顺的“乖”孩子,性格也由此变得内向、遇事不敢争先。特别是看到别人家的孩子大方、活泼,有的在绘画上有特长,有的弹得一手好琴,小小年纪就考过了钢琴八级……我们心里着急,想通过培养儿子的特长来提高他的自信心,可儿子不感兴趣,怎么办呢?看来只有从日常生活入手,注意抓住一些机会鼓励他多参与其中。平时节假日,我们喜欢出去游玩,每看到优美的风景,总是要拿出照相机摄影留念。每当此时,儿子总是不愿意当风景的主角,而抢着帮我们拍照。这时,他爸爸也就不失时机地教他:这是快门,那是取景框……一开始儿子学拍照时掌握不住要领,把我们拍得不是头顶着天,就
Since childhood, his son was infirm, so he was carefully nurtured by the whole family. He became a sensible, obedient and docile child and his character became more introverted. In particular, to see other people’s children generous, lively, and some have expertise in the painting, and some played a good hand piano, a young age had passed the piano eight ... ... our hearts worry, trying to cultivate his son’s expertise To improve his self-confidence, his son is not interested, how to do? It seems that only from everyday life, pay attention to seize some opportunities to encourage him to participate more. Usually during holidays, we like to go out and play. Every time we see the beautiful scenery, we always have to take a photo for a camera. Whenever this time, the son is always reluctant to be the protagonist of the landscape, and rushed to help us take pictures. At this time, his father also seize the opportunity to teach him: This is the shutter, that is the viewfinder frame ... ... At the beginning of his son can not grasp the essentials when taking pictures, we do not shoot the top of the sky