怎么也没有想到,就在1994年新年钟声敲响后几小时,兴夏同志竟离开我们而去。两个多月过去了,一想起他,我们的心情始终无法平静,似乎看到他仍挟着采访包,在四处采访新闻素材,仍拎着行李袋去赶开往农牧区的班车,仍在灯光下聚精会神的写稿……是的,他没有离开我们。我们怀念他,于是提笔写点文字,寄托哀思。 我们和兴夏共事时间虽有长有短,但是他那谦逊、朴质、克让的品德,小心谨慎的为人,蜜蜂采花般的勤奋,对新闻事业孜孜不倦的追求和对写作坚韧不拔的毅力……这些都给我们留下难以忘怀的印象。
How did you not realize that just hours after the bell of the New Year in 1994, Comrade Xing Hsiah actually left us. More than two months have passed. When he remembers him, we can not calm our minds at all. He seems to see him still intercepting the interview with news media and still carrying his luggage to catch the shuttle bus to the agricultural and pastoral areas. Focused attentions in the light ... yes, he did not leave us. We miss him, so pick up the pen to write some text, pinning grief. Although we work with Hsia Hsieh for a long time, he is humble, simple, gifted, cautious, bee-eyed hardworking, diligent pursuit of journalism and perseverance in writing. ... All these give us an unforgettable impression.