必修2 Unit 4 Wildlife Protection

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  Here is a story about two giant pandas. They__1__ the great China earthquake, and now they are about to start a __2__of peace and unity. It’s a busy time for these animals when it comes to panda __3__. The two giant pandas “Tuan Tuan” and “Yuan Yuan”, together their names mean “unite”, are on their way from their zoo in Chengdu to Taiwan as a __4__gift from Beijing and a sign of __5__ties between the two countries.
  The two pandas__6__a key stage in China’s often fraught relations with Taiwan. They were turned down byananti-Chinesepresident two years ago,butas
  __7____thaw (缓和), this winter they are on their way.
  Earlier China and Taiwan resumed transport links with daily flights and new shipping routes in an effort to
  __8__a much better relationship with the island nation that China has long __9__ as its own.
  In the past, China has given goodwill pandas to nine countries, including Japan, North Korea and the former Soviet Union. President Richard Nixon took one home with him after his groundbreaking trip to China in 1972.
  Thetwofour-year-oldpandasarelucky to be
  __10__. Their sanctuary at Wolong in Sichuan province was destroyed by the earthquake last May, in which more than 80,000 people died.
  The North and South poles are remote and cold places that receive lots of animal visitors __11__ few human tourists. But even__12__ you never plan to visit the polar bears in the north or penguins in the south, now isaperfect timeto start thinking about them. That’s
   __13__ from 2007 to 2009 are the International Polar year, a science project that aims to illustrate __14__important the poles are to the health of our planet. Thousandsofresearchersfrom morethan 60 countries will conduct more than 200 projects and expeditions to
  __15__ the top and bottom of the world. In the recent years, the polar regions have begun to change drastically as a result of global warming. Temperatures there are rising faster than anywhere __16__on earth. As a result, the ice and snow in these regions are melting __17__ record-setting rates. One result is that sea levels are rising around the world, __18__ (put) animals and people at risk. __19__by studying the poles, say IPY researchers, can we find ways to protect them and ourselves. “The more we know about __20__is going to happen,” says Stephen Rintoul, a scientist at Australia’s Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization(CSIRO), “the more convincing the argument is to look at what we can do.”
  Foxes and farmers have never got on well. These small dog-like animals have long been accused of killing farm animals. They are officially classified as harmful and farmers try to keep their numbers down by shooting or poisoning them.
  Farmers can also call on the services of their local hunt to control the fox population. Hunting consists of pursuing a fox across the countryside, with a group of specially trained dogs, followed by men and women riding horses. When the dogs eventually catch the fox they kill it or a hunter shoots it.
  People who take part in hunting think of it as a sport; they wear a special uniform of red coats and white trousers, and follow strict codes of behavior. But owning a horse and hunting regularly is expensive, so most hunters are wealthy.
  It is estimated that up to 100000 people watch or take part in fox hunting. But over the last couple of years, people opposed to fox hunting, because they think it is brutal(残酷的), has risen sharply. Nowadays it is rare for a hunt to pass off without some kind of confrontation between hunters and hunt saboteurs(阻拦者). Sometimes these incidents lead to violence, but mostly saboteurs interfere with the hunt by misleading riders and disturbing the trail of the fox’s smell, which the dogs follow.
  Noisy confrontations between hunters and saboteurs have become so common that they are almost, as much a part of hunting as the pursuit of foxes itself. But this year supporters of fox hunting face a much bigger threat to their sport. A Labour Party Member of the Parliament, Mike Foster, is trying to get Parliament to approve a new law which will make the hunting of wild animals with dogs illegal. If the law is passed, wild animals like foxes will be protected under the ban in Britain.
  21. What’s the cause of the foxes being killed?
  A. They are very dangerous to both humans and animals
  B. Their fur and meat are of high value
  C. Farm animals suffered a lot from foxes’ attack
  D. The number of the foxes is too large
  22. What is special about fox hunting in Britain?
  A. It involves the use of a deadly poison.
  B. It is a costly event which rarely occurs.
  C. The hunters have set rules to follow.
  D. The hunters have to go through strict training.
  23. What is the meaning of the word “confrontation” in paragraph 4?
  A. meetingB. disagreement
  C. killing __D. negotiation
  24. What is the main idea of this passage?
  A. Fox hunting has caused great damage to the existence of the species.
  B. Foxes used to be hunted in great number but now they are likely to receive more protection.
  C. Fox is very dangerous that people made law to kill it all.
  D. Dog will not be allowed to be used in the hunt of fox.
  25. Which of the following statement is true according to the text?
  A. People opposed to fox hunting since they feared to be hurt by the animals
  B. It will no longer be a smooth process for a hunt to pass off nowadays
  C. Foxes in Britain will surely be under protection
  D. Those taking part in the hunt of foxes are all rich men
  In China some people refer to wild animals as “exotic delicacies”. Those who enjoy eating them do so not just because they enjoy the taste or they want to satisfy their curiosity. Eating wild animals is also a way to show off. Because of this trend’s growing popularity, many have already started to see it as a profitable business opportunity. This has led to more and more wild animals being killed for consumption purposes. Ultimately, this will speed up many wild animals extinction process.
  Proposed legislation to ban the eating of wild animals has sparked a heated debate in south China’s Guangdong Province where the practice is steeped in centuries of tradition. The proposed law, which follows the success in the fight against SARS, comes amid a national soul-searching over the treatment of animals and attitudes to the natural environment.
  During a three-hour public hearing on Tuesday of the draft regulation on improving public health, the clause on “prohibition of the consumption of wild animals” caused heated debate.
  The severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) crisis in the first half of the year seriously affected Guangdong and the China Wildlife Conservation Association has written a public letter, appealing for an end to the eating of wild animals.
  1. 以约30个词概括阅读材料中的内容;
  2. 以约120个词就“野生保护动物是否应该沦为人类的盘中餐”的话题发表看法,要点包括:
近年来,家校共育越来越受重视,但家校矛盾依然不少。如何让家校共育走出误区,让家庭与学校成为更好的合作伙伴,成为当务之急。  “只有学校教育而没有家庭教育,或者只有家庭教育没有学校教育,都不能够成为好的教育。”在探讨家校共育时,教育家苏霍姆林斯基的这句话被广泛引用。  对于学生而言,家庭和学校是他们停留时间最长的地方,父母与老师是对他们影响最大的人,家庭与学校的教育能否形成合力,对教育的实施至关重要
北京庆丰包子 —“挺好吃”  2013年12月30日,习近平总书记在北京考察民生工作時,中午在月坛北街的庆丰包子铺排队买包子。他点了二两猪肉大葱馅包子、一盘芥菜和一碗炒肝,并坚持自己买单、端盘子、取包子,总书记说:“包子挺好吃,食品安全一定要放在第一位。”总书记的平易近人的亲民形象让这家包子店成为“网红打卡地”,大家都想来尝尝“总书记套餐”。贵阳牛肉粉—“吃一顿不过瘾”  2014年3月7日,习近
中学历史教学承载着弘扬优秀传统文化的使命,但不能生搬硬套,而应该从课程资源整合、教学内容选择、问题设计等方面将优秀传统文化的思想观念、人文精神和道德规范潜移默化地渗透给学生。本文以人教版“宋明理学”一课为例,阐明如何从弘扬优秀传统文化的视角开发课程资源,组织教学内容。  一、关于理学产生的背景应该突出理学家的社会责任感  人教版关于理学产生的背景主要叙述的是魏晋至隋唐出现了儒释道“三教合一”的趋势
户外教学是教师有目的、有计划、有系统、有程序地指导学生在户外利用自然环境资源或社会环境资源进行科学探究的活动。新课程标准指出基础教育课程要积极利用并开发各种课程资源,人类创造的所有物质文明、精神文明,以及自然存在物都可以是构成课程的素材。其中户外环境中蕴含的丰富资源最易激发学生实践探究的兴趣与热情,不管是对学生经验知识的拓展还是对探究技能的培养皆有不可低估的价值。  一、选取主题策略  户外教学形
趙清龙骑摩托车行驶在乡村道路上。  山大沟深崾岘宽,不是爬坡就翻山,甘肃省镇原县方山乡全乡10个行政村76个自然村96%坐落在山区,53岁的赵清龙是方山乡邮政所的一名邮递员。  从1996年开始,赵清龙在这个岗位上一干就是25年。25年里,他骑坏了6辆自行车、4辆摩托车,累计行程60多万公里,投递各类邮件580余万件,投递准确率100%。工作过程中,赵清龙还免费为老乡收售土产,代购生活用品、农资化
一、教学立意  近几年,教学立意的提法逐渐得到了历史教育界的认同,并有越来越多的教师进行了课堂实践[1]。历史课的教学立意,是在充分体现理论研究成果、历史逻辑、课程逻辑等的基础上,立足学生认知水准和身心发展特点,确立教学的方向和组织教学的过程。因此,我认为教学立意有两个层次:一是教学主题立意,[2]二是操作立意。目前的研究和探讨多是站在“教”的角度,但我们的培养对象是学生,是否也应该从“学”的角度
甲午中日战争是近代列强侵华战争的一部分。在人教版的高中历史教材中,它与鸦片战争、第二次鸦片战争和八国联军侵华战争等共同构成了列强侵略中国不断加深的重要史实。这场战争是近代列强侵华史的重要组成部分,更是对学生开展家国情怀教育的好教材。笔者在这里将和大家分享一下如何以《甲午中日战争》为例,从以下三个方面来开展家国情怀教育,引导学生从甲午的废墟上站立起来。  一、感知  感知是人脑对客观事物的直接反应。
“史料教学”源自于20世纪中叶,英国“新历史”(NewHistory)的历史课堂教学改革,是指教师将史料引入课堂,指导学生“做历史学家的活动”,旨在借助史料证据,让学生认识并掌握历史学的方法逻辑并构建历史认识。20世纪八、九十年代,史料教学引入我国,逐渐成为中学历史课堂的教学常态。  英国史学家汤普森表示:“历史学习不是把焦点集中在历史本身或发生了什么上,而是要集中在我们如何发展对历史的认识。”[