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广告文化是一个新兴的概念,对于当下的社会文化而言,广告文化还处于一个刚刚起步的初级阶段,但是广告文化对于青少年而言却有着相对较大的影响力,在某种情况下,可以影响他们的价值观念和取向判断,因此论广告文化对青少年的影响这一课题尤其一定的现实意义。本文以广告文化对青少年的影响为研究对象,首先论述了广告及广告文化相关概念介绍,包括广告的含义,广告文化的含义,广告文化的主要特点,广告文化的发展趋势;然后列举了广告文化对青少年价值观念的消极影响,导致青少年崇尚物质化的享乐主义,造成同龄人之间的攀比主义,颠覆对传统文化的认知和体悟;接着列举出广告对青少年的积极影响,包括提高公德意识,增强安全意识和培养良好的习惯,可以启迪青少年的思想。希望本文的论述可以为广告文化对青少年的影响做一个具体的论述,对相关的研究起到一定的指导性作用。 Advertising culture is a new concept. For the current social culture, advertising culture is still in its infancy, but advertising culture has a relatively greater influence on young people. Under certain circumstances, Affecting their values ​​and orientation judgments. Therefore, the topic of the impact of advertising culture on young people is of particular practical significance. This paper focuses on the influence of advertising culture on young people. Firstly, it discusses the introduction of concepts related to advertising and advertising culture, including the meaning of advertising, the meaning of advertising culture, the main features of advertising culture and the development trend of advertising culture. Then, The negative impact on the values ​​of adolescents led adolescents to advocate materialized hedonism, which led to the rise of peerism among peers and subverted the recognition and comprehension of traditional culture. Then, the positive effects of advertising on adolescents were listed, including raising awareness of morality , Enhance safety awareness and cultivate good habits, can inspire young people’s thinking. I hope this essay can give a concrete discussion on the impact of advertising culture on young people and play a guiding role in the related research.
很多人都把《弟子规》当作中国古代的蒙学经典。不过,最近有学者翻出了《弟子规》的前世今生。  清代文献研究者黄晓丹说:“《弟子规》的作者李毓秀,是清代山西绛州的一位秀才。《弟子规》在作者死后一百多年才被人们注意到。所以现代宣传中说‘古代出现了那么多贤人君子,写下那么多唐诗宋词,都是因为古人从小读《弟子规》,这是不合适的。”  人文学者孙虹刚说,《弟子规》的作者李毓秀的确是清朝顺治年间的人,这位老先生