从最近召开的加气混凝土砌块应用技术研讨会上获悉,广州市有关部门将加气混凝土砌块确定为今后广州新型墙材发展的方向。 目前在广州地区应用加气混凝土砌块的情况还不是十分理想。2002年全市加气混凝土砌块的应用量约为13万立方米,占全市新材总用量的9.5%。 造成加气混凝土砌块使用现状的原因大致有以下几方
From the recently held seminar on application technology of aerated concrete blocks was informed that relevant departments in Guangzhou City, aerated concrete blocks identified as the future direction of the development of new wall materials in Guangzhou. At present, the application of aerated concrete blocks in Guangzhou area is not very satisfactory. In 2002 the city’s application of aerated concrete blocks is about 130,000 cubic meters, accounting for 9.5% of the total amount of the city’s new materials. Cause of use of aerated concrete block the following reasons