广东省艺术节刚降下帷幕,又迎来了广州市艺术院团纪念改革开放三十周年优秀剧目展演。观看了几台剧目,发现一个在创作上的明显弊端,亦是一个误区,因此我由衷地向各院团艺术把关部门及同行提出本人对创作问题上的肤浅见解。 “传统”是有学识和造诣的文学家和艺术家通过生活体验,用艺术手段创作出整套表演程式和写作格式,在不断实践中把程式和格式一代代地往下传,规范地统一使
Guangdong Arts Festival has just come to an end, and ushered in the art troupe in Guangzhou City to commemorate the thirtieth anniversary of reform and opening up an excellent repertoire show. Having watched several repertoire shows that one of the obvious drawbacks in the creation is also a misunderstanding. Therefore, I sincerely wish to submit my superficial opinions on the issue of creation to art control departments and their counterparts at various academic departments. “Tradition ” is a learned and accomplished writer and artist who, through his experience of living, creates a complete program of performance and writing with artistic means, and transmits the program and format from generation to generation in constant practice,