An Improved Result of Multiple Model Iterative Learning Control

来源 :IEEE/CAA Journal of Automatica Sinica | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xiaoliang668
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For system operating repetitively,iterative learning control(ILC) has been tested as an effective method even with estimated models.However,the control performance may deteriorate due to sudden system failure or the adoption of imprecise model.The multiple model iterative learning control(MMILC) method shows great potential to improve the transient response and control performance.However,in existed MMILC,the stability can be guaranteed only by finite switching or very strict conditions about coefficient matrix,which make the application of MMILC a little difficult.In this paper,an improved MMILC method is presented.Control procedure is simplified and the ceasing condition is relaxed.Even with infinite times of model switching,system output is proved convergent to the desired trajectory.Simulation studies are carried out to show the effectiveness of the proposed method.
<正> 阿胶,《神农本草经》谓付致胶,陶宏景谓盆复胶,《千金·食治》谓驴皮胶,因唐朝之时“岁常煮胶以贡天府”,故名贡胶,古之熬胶需九天九夜,因而又名九天阿胶。为甘平补血、
<正> 阿胶为驴皮去毛后熬制而成的胶块。为补血、止血、润肺药。近年来因市场货源紧张,出现不少伪品。因此,有必要对阿胶真伪进行鉴别。我们曾收集无锡市第五制药厂生产的阿