Stock index adjustments, analyst coverage and institutional holdings: Evidence from China

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Using 231 pairs of matched firms from 2009 to 2012 in Chinese stock market,we find that the stock index adjustment significantly affects the analyst coverage, which in addition to the stock index leads to more analyst coverage, while deletion from the stock index has no significant effect, indicating that stock index adjustment can significantly change the information environments of firms that are added to the index. An index adjustment also affects institutional holdings in consideration of new information(e.g., changes in fundamentals and information environments). Changes in institutional holdings are partially due to changes in analyst coverage, and both index funds and other types can change their portfolios in response to changes in the target firms’ informativeness. Using 231 pairs of matched stocks from 2009 to 2012 in Chinese stock market, we find that the stock index adjustment significantly affects the analyst coverage, which in addition to the stock index leads to more analyst coverage, while deleting from the stock index has no significant stock effect, indicating that stock index adjustment can significantly change the information environments of firms that are added to the index. Changes in institutional holdings are in the introduction of new information (eg, changes in fundamentals and information environments). partially due to changes in analyst coverage, and both index funds and other types can change their portfolios in response to changes in the target firms’ informativeness.
摘 要:本文通过对吉林省城镇化发展水平的总体评价,进一步提出要在“新”上下功夫;在“地”上做文章;在“利”上作调整;在“特”上出思路;在“改”上做功课;在“谋”上求突破;在“防”上做准备,找准战略选择方向,大力推进城镇化建设。  关键词:城镇化;吉林省;战略选择  中图分类号:F127 文献标识码:A doi:10.3969/j.issn.1672-3309(x).2013.12.85 文章编号:
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