Experimental investigation about the effect of non-axisymmetric wake impact on a low speed axial com

来源 :Acta Mechanica Sinica | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:pearl12345
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Non-axisymmetric wake impact experiments were carried out after the best exciting frequency for a low speed axial compressor had been found by axisymmetric wake impact experiments.When the number and circumferential distribution of inlet guide vanes(IGV) are logical, the wakes of non-axisymmetric IGVs can exert beneficial unsteady exciting effect on their downstream rotor flow fields and improve the compressor’s performance.In the present paper,four non-axisymmetric wake impact plans were found working better than the axisymmetric wake impact plan. Compared with the base plan,the best non-axisymmetric plan increased the compressor’s peak efficiency,and the total pressure rise by 1.1 and 2%,and enhanced the stall margin by 4.4%.The main reason why non-axisymmetric plans worked better than the axisymmetric plan was explained as the change of the unsteady exciting signal arising from IGV wakes.Besides the high-frequency components,the non-axisymmetric plan generated a beneficial low-frequency square-wave exciting signal and other secondary frequency components.Compared with the axisymmetric plan,multi-frequency exciting wakes arising from the non-axisymmetric plans are easier to get coupling relation with complex vortices such as clearance vortices,passage vortices and shedding vortices. Non-axisymmetric wake impact experiments were carried out after the best exciting frequency for a low speed axial compressor had been found by axisymmetric wake impact experiments. axisymmetric IGVs can exert beneficial unsteady exciting effect on their downstream rotor flow fields and improve the compressor’s performance.In the present paper, four non-axisymmetric wake impact plans were found working better than the axisymmetric wake impact plan. Compared with the base plan, the best non-axisymmetric plan increased the compressor’s peak efficiency, and the total pressure rise by 1.1 and 2%, and enhanced the stall margin by 4.4%. The main reason why non-axisymmetric plans worked better than the axisymmetric plan was explained as the change of the unsteady exciting signal arising from IGV wakes. Besides the high-frequency components, the non-axisymmetric plan generated a beneficial low-frequ ency square-wave exciting signal and other secondary frequency components .Compared with the axisymmetric plan, multi-frequency exciting wakes arising from the non-axisymmetric plans are easier to get coupling relation with complex vortices such as clearance vortices, passage vortices and shedding vortices.
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