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病历摘要患者男,65岁,江苏人,农工,住院号36477。主诉左耳道肿物20余年,反复间歇性出血,量不定。患者于20年前在某医院检查,发现左耳外耳道内有肿物,后逐渐增大,出现耳内胀满感,听力减退,偶有博动性耳鸣,65年曾在某医院行外耳道肿物切除术,术中情况不详。术前出现左侧面瘫,术后仍有少量间歇性出血,耳鸣如前,不痛。二年后患耳再次长出肿物,色暗红,并突出于外耳道口,触之即有出血,且量多难止,二年来头痛逐渐加重及眩晕,向左头动时较明显,以后相继出现进食呛咳、吞咽阻塞感、发音低沉、淡吐 Medical records Abstract Patients Male, 65 years old, Jiangsu native, agro-industrial, hospital number 36477. He complained of left ear masses for more than 20 years, repeated intermittent bleeding, and variable volume. The patient was examined in a hospital 20 years ago and found that there was a mass in the external auditory canal of the left ear, which gradually increased afterwards. He felt a feeling of fullness in the ear, suffered from hearing loss, occasional trepidation of tinnitus, and had ear swelling in a hospital in 65 years. Physical resection, intraoperative conditions are unknown. Left facial spasm occurred before surgery, and there was still a small amount of intermittent bleeding after operation. Tinnitus was as painless as before. After two years, the affected ear grows again with a dark red color and protrudes from the external auditory canal mouth. When it touches, it bleeds, and the amount is more difficult. In the past two years, the headache has gradually worsened and dizziness. The movement to the left is more obvious. Eating cough, swallowing obstruction, low voice, pale spit
本院临床及病理确诊嗜铬细胞瘤40例,其中4例为家族性,系两家族同胞姐弟和姐妹发病,年龄16~30岁(平均23.7),两家患者之父均患高血压,分别于 The clinical and pathological d
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圣路易斯犹太医院的病理学家、华盛顿大学的病理学教授John S Meyer称,乳腺癌的胸腺嘧啶脱氧核苷(简称胸苷)标记指数测定法在确定乳腺癌的治疗和诊断中起着重要作用。以下为