
来源 :党员之友 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:RIPV2
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江泽民同志在纪念建党80周年大会上提出:“治国必先治党,治党务必从严。”按照江泽民从严治党的精神,我们经过对本区党员的实际情况进行细致调查研究后,针对不合格党员的十种表现,通过民主评议党员,处置了62名不合格党员。为解决在处置不合格党员工作中遇到的查清事实难、认定不合格难、把握标准难、手续完备难、组织处置难等问题,我们提出了正确掌握处置不合格党 Comrade Jiang Zemin put forward at the congress of commemorating the 80th anniversary of the founding of the founding party: "In order to govern the country, we must first rule the party and strictly abide by the party. In accordance with Jiang Zemin’s strict administration of the party, after careful investigation and study of the actual conditions of party members in our region, According to ten kinds of unqualified party members, 64 unqualified party members were disposed of through democratically appraised Party members. In order to solve the problems encountered in the handling of unqualified Party members, such as finding out the facts difficult, finding it hard to meet the requirements, finding the standard difficult, completing the formalities hard,
实行党内三权分立的基础和前提是党代表大会常任制。其关键要设立常设机关,这样党代会常设机构就能够在党代会闭会期间,替代党代会成为最高决策和最高监督机关  总体来讲,雅安此次党内改革的设想、方案设计、实施思路都非常好,符合党内民主的发展方向,体现了大胆改革,勇于创新的精神。具体来说有以下三点可取之处:  第一,整个方案力求在党内进行合理分权,将决策权、监督权和执行权分离,在理论上是符合分权制衡的原则。