伏打的全名叫亚力山特罗·伏打,他是意大利帕维亚大学的物理教授,年轻时对电学就有过研究。1793年的一天,伏打一大早就钻进了实验室。助手们惊奇地发现,伏打手里拿的不是物理实验用的器材,而是一个关着十几只活蹦乱跳的青蛙的笼子。 蛙腿里有电流吗? 原来,在此之前,有一位意大利的生物学家,他的名字叫伽伐尼。一天,因为他的妻子生病,医生要她吃青蛙。他像往常做青蛙解剖实验一样,用解剖刀把青蛙剥了皮,剖好青蛙,放在实验桌上,准备给妻子做烩
Volta’s full name is Alexandre Volta, a professor of physics at Pavia University in Italy, where he studied electricity. One day in 1793, Volta entered the lab early in the morning. The aides were surprised to find that Volt’s hands were not the equipment for physical experiments, but a cage that kept a dozen or so frogs alive. There was a current in the frog’s legs. Originally, before that, there was an Italian biologist whose name was Galvani. One day, because his wife was sick, the doctor asked her to eat a frog. He used to do frog anatomy as usual, use a scalpel to peel the frog, cut the frog on the table, ready to cook his wife