河南省商丘市睢阳区区委书记、区人武部党委第一书记张继敬,每次见到区人武部的干部、职工总是脱口而出:“我给你们当好后勤部长。” 1999年5月,张继敬上任伊始,就深入到区人武部和乡(镇)武装部了解武装工作情况。他看到区人武部营房陈旧,办公条件差,就和部领导商量,要建一个新办公楼。部领导既高兴,又面带愁容。钱从哪来?张继敬看在眼里,记在心上。他及时召集城建、土地、规划、财政等部门领导现场办公。他强调说:“人武部是军事机关,各项建设要争一
Shangqiu City, Henan Province, Leiyang District Party Secretary, District People’s Armed Police Party Secretary Zhang Jijing first meeting, each time to see the cadres of district armed forces, workers always blurted out: “I give you a good logistics minister.” In May 1999, At the beginning of his assumption of office, Zhang Jijin went deep into the district armed forces and the armed forces of townships (towns) to understand the armed work. He saw the district armed forces barracks obsolete, poor office conditions, and the leaders of the Department to discuss, to build a new office building. Ministry leaders are both happy and saddened. Money come from? Zhang Jijing looked in the eyes, remember in my heart. He timely convened urban construction, land, planning, finance and other departments on-site office. He emphasized: "The People’s Armed Forces Department is a military organ, and all its construction must be contested