患者女,57岁。偶然发现右背部一肿块20天,初起如蚕豆大,无明显不适。15天后迅速增长,局部有轻微酸痛,经用抗生素治疗无效。患者无外伤史,也无发热、消瘦,平素体健。于1980年11月28日入院.全身检查无异常。局部检查:右下背部可扪及一12×10×3cm 的实质性肿块,不与皮肤粘连,稍可上下推动,左右不活动,无波动感。血象:白细胞5,700,中性68%,淋巴32%。血沉12mm/h。于局麻下切除肿块,术中见肿块位于右背阔肌下缘中央,色泽灰白,无包膜,质僵硬;肿块与正常肌组织分界模糊,与其他组织边界清晰,手术经过顺利。病理诊断:增生性肌炎。3年后随访,无复发。
The patient is 57 years old. Occasionally found a mass on the right back for 20 days, starting from large, such as beans, no obvious discomfort. After 15 days, it rapidly increased. There was a slight soreness in the local area and it was not cured by antibiotics. No history of trauma, no fever, weight loss, and physical health. He was admitted to hospital on November 28, 1980. There was no abnormality in the whole body examination. Partial examination: The right lower back can be palpated with a solid mass of 12×10×3cm. It does not adhere to the skin. It can be pushed up and down, left and right inactive, and has no fluctuating feeling. Blood count: WBC 5,700, neutral 68%, lymph 32%. ESR 12mm/h. The tumor was resected under local anesthesia. During the operation, the mass was located in the center of the right latissimus dorsi muscle. The color was gray, no capsule, and the mass was stiff; the boundary between the mass and the normal muscle tissue was blurred, and the boundary with other tissues was clear. The operation went smoothly. Pathological diagnosis: proliferative myositis. Follow-up after 3 years without recurrence.