邓小平对港澳回归的杰出贡献主要表现在为港澳回归决断最后时间表、以“一国两制”构想为港澳回归找到切实可行的途径、预见到过渡期中必将出现的摩擦与斗争、以“十六字”方针为港澳回归后的发展指明正确方向等四个方面。深刻认识邓小平对港澳回归的杰出贡献 ,对台湾问题的解决有着深远的意义
Deng Xiaoping’s outstanding contribution to the return of Hong Kong and Macao is mainly reflected in the final timetable for the return of Hong Kong and Macao to the decision and the practical way to find a return to Hong Kong and Macao based on the concept of “one country, two systems”. He foresees the friction and struggle that will inevitably occur during the transitional period. Policy for the development of Hong Kong and Macao after the re-specified the correct direction of four aspects. A Profound Understanding of Deng Xiaoping’s Outstanding Contribution to the Return of Hong Kong and Macao Has Far-reaching Significance for the Settlement of the Taiwan Issue