The mineral thermobarometry proposed in literature is used to calculate the equilibrium temperature and pressure of garnet Iherzolite and websterite xenoliths within the Cenozoic kama-fugite from west Qinling, Gansu Province, China. The results show that the equilibrium temperature and pressure of garnet Iherzolites and websterite and 1127-1266℃, 2.9-3.6 Gpa and 1169 -1248℃, 2.8-3.2 Gpa respectively. The equilibrium peressures reach or exceed the equilibrium peressure of spinel Iherzolites (2.0-3.0 GPa), and fall into the stability range of garnet peridotite. The equilibrium temperature of the xenoliths reach or exceed the ocean geotherm, identical with the melting temperature of kamafugite magma determined by experiments under the conditions of post-orogenic lithosphere extension. So the thermal state of Cenozoic mantle of the west Qinling may be fit to generate the kamafugite magmatism. The research on petrology-mineralogy and geobarothermometry of the xenoliths shows that both garnet Iherzolite and
The mineral thermobarometry proposed in literature is used to calculate the equilibrium temperature and pressure of garnet Iherzolite and websterite xenoliths within the Cenozoic kama-fugite from west Qinling, Gansu Province, China. The results show that the equilibrium temperature and pressure of garnet Iherzolites and websterite and 1127-1266 ° C, 2.9-3.6 Gpa and 1169-1248 ° C, 2.8-3.2 Gpa respectively. The equilibrium peressures reach or exceed the equilibrium peressure of spinel Iherzolites (2.0-3.0 GPa), and fall into the stability range of garnet peridotite . The equilibrium temperature of the xenoliths reach or exceed the ocean geotherm, identical with the melting temperature of kamafugite magma determined by experiments under the conditions of post-orogenic lithosphere extension. So the thermal state of Cenozoic mantle of the west Qinling may be fit to generate the kamafugite magmatism. The research on petrology-mineralogy and geobarothermometry of the xenoliths shows that both g arnet Iherzolite and