Flow Characteristics of Expansion Energy Used Pneumatic Booster

来源 :Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hhttllzzwei
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The most common booster is called input pressure reduced (IPR) booster. However, this type of booster has its own shortages, such as its small output flow, when the boosting ratio is higher, the shortage becomes more distinct. Recent research on pneumatic boosters mainly focused on the factors that influence the characteristics of the boosters, some new kinds of pneumatic booster structures were designed, but the efficiency and output flow of these boosters are still not improved sufficiently. In order to improve the output flow of the pneumatic booster, a new kind of booster, expansion energy used (EEU) booster, is proposed. Non-linear differential equations of the pneumatic booster are set up. By using the software MATLAB/Simulink for simulation, the motion characteristics of the pistons, the characteristics of the output flow of the boosters are obtained for analysis of a principle. The principle, which is used to elevate the output flow of the two kinds of boosters, is that the average pressure of the air in the driving chambers of the EEU booster is higher than that of the IPR booster. The simulation and experimental research of the output flow characteristics are done. The simulation and experimental results are in a good accordance. And the simulation and experimental results show that when the air source pressure and the output pressure are set at 0.6 MPa and 0.8 MPa, respectively, with the increase of the terminal pressure of the air in the driving chamber, the output flow of the IPR booster ascends stably. As the terminal pressure of the air in the driving chamber goes up, the output flow of the EEU booster rises, and later it almost remains constant. In addition, with the same terminal pressure, the output flow of the EEU booster is greater than that of the IPR booster, and the difference decreases when the terminal pressure grows. At last, the output pressure is set at 0.8 MPa, under the optimum work state of the EEU booster, the output flow of the two kinds of boosters all declines with the rise of the boosting ratio. Furthermore, the output flow of the EEU booster is higher than that of IPR booster by 95 L/min approximately. The proposed research lays the foundation for optimistic of the EEU booster. However, this type of booster has its own shortages, such as its small output flow, when the boosting ratio is higher, the shortage becomes more distinct. Recent research on pneumatic boosters mainly focused on the factors that influence that characteristics of the boosters, some new kinds of pneumatic booster structures were designed, but the efficiency and output flow of these boosters are still not improved sufficiently. In order to improve the output flow of the pneumatic booster, a new type of booster, expansion energy used (EEU) booster, is proposed. Non-linear differential equations of the pneumatic booster are set up. By using the software MATLAB / Simulink for simulation, the motion characteristics of the pistons, the characteristics of the output flow of the boosters are obtained for analysis of a principle. The principle, which is used to elevate the output flow of the two kinds of boosters, is that the ave rage pressure of the air in the driving chambers of the EEU booster is higher than that of the IPR booster. The simulation and experimental research of the output flow characteristics are done. And the simulation and experimental results are in a good accordance. And the simulation and experimental results show that when the air source pressure and the output pressure are set at 0.6 MPa and 0.8 MPa, respectively, with the increase of the terminal pressure of the air in the driving chamber, the output flow of the IPR booster ascends stably. As the terminal pressure of the air in the driving chamber goes up, the output flow of the EEU booster rises, and later it almost remains constant. the last output pressure is set at 0.8 MPa, under the optimum work state of the EEU booster, the output flow of the two kinds of boosters all declines with the rise of the boosting ratio. Furthermore, the output flow of the EEU booster is higher than that of IPR booster by 95 L / min approximately. The proposed research lays the foundation for optimistic of the EEU booster.
叶圣陶先生在《创造的儿童教育》中说:“处处是创造之地,天天是创造之时,人人是创造之人。”因此,培养学生创新意识决不是针对高智力学生,而是要面向全体学生。教师要努力发掘每个学生的创新意识,将学生培养成为创新型人才。  如何对学生进行创新意识的培养呢?    一、建立民主平等的师生关系,激发学生的创新意识    苏霍姆林斯基在《教育的艺术》一书中说:“课堂上一切困惑失败的根子,在绝大多数的场合下,都在
在课堂上常常会发生这样的一幕:一位差生(考试分数不理想,其他方面表现很差的学生)从座位上被拉了起来,只听见老师敲着桌子说:“你真笨,脑袋坏掉了,自己不学也就算了,还要影响别人,你干脆不用上课了。” 这时,全班同学都用鄙夷的目光望着他。  是的,差生的确是让我们老师,特别是我们班主任最最头痛的。我们一次次的苦口婆心,一次次的严格批评,换来的可能还是一块“朽木”。难怪我们老师会火冒三丈,会觉得心有余而