在现代化的战争中,由於其立体化和敌我互相交织、互相渗透,使特业分队的地位和作用显得越来越重要。为了获取情报,破坏敌方通讯指挥中心和重要目标,交战双方的侦察与反侦察、偷袭与反偷袭、破坏与反破坏的斗争日趋激烈。双方都明白,这样出其不意的攻击或行动,可以小的代价,获取更大的战果,能够做到事半功倍。在这种近於“寂静式”的斗争中,微声的单兵武器就大有用武之地。随着实战的需要,具有“三微”(微声、微光、微烟)性能的武器在二次大战后得到了长足的发展。 我们可以想象:在某次战役前,我方侦察分队携带可连发的微声冲锋枪,渡海到敌滩头阵地,在抓获“舌头”后,与敌遭遇。在海浪拍击岸崖噪声的掩护下,用微
In the modern war, the status and role of special services units have become more and more important due to their three-dimensional nature and their interplay with each other and with each other. In order to obtain intelligence and destroy the enemy communications command center and important targets, the struggle between reconnaissance and anti-reconnaissance, sneak attack and anti-sneak attack, vandalism and anti-vandalism between the two warring sides has become increasingly fierce. Both parties understand that such an unexpected attack or action can gain even greater success at a small price and be able to do more with less. In this sort of “quiet” struggle, the use of muffled solo weapons can be very useful. With the actual combat needs, the weapons with the performance of “three micro” (muffled, glimmer, micro-smoke) have made great strides after World War II. We can imagine: Before a battle, our reconnaissance unit carried a buzzing sub-level submachine gun to cross the sea to the enemy beachhead and captured the tongue before encountering the enemy. Under the cover of sea waves slamming noise at the cliff, with micro