我国热带地区营造的人工林大多是纯林,违背了生态平衡的客观规律,使害虫的栖息环境对其生存和繁殖有利,从而引起某些害虫的成灾。热带人工林的面积现在还不大,但严重的虫害问题,巳经影响到有些珍贵树种的推广,例如麻楝梢斑螟Hypsipyla robusta (Moore)已成为影响麻楝Chukrasia tabularis A.Juss等树种推广的关键因子。因此,研究热带森林害虫及其防治,巳自然地被提到议事日程上来。本文在介绍热带森林昆虫某些特点的同时,以生态平衡为理论根据,试就与害虫管理有关的一些理论和实践问题发表浅见。
Most of the plantations in the tropics of our country are pure forests, violating the objective law of ecological balance, enabling the habitat of pests to benefit their survival and reproduction, causing some pests to become disaster. The area of tropical plantations is not large yet. However, serious pest problems have affected the promotion of some precious tree species. For example, Hypsipyla robusta (Moore) has become a major promotion of species such as Chukrasia tabularis A.Juss The key factor. Therefore, studying tropical forest pests and their prevention and control have naturally been mentioned on the agenda. In this paper, some characteristics of tropical forest insects are introduced, and based on the ecological balance theory, some theoretical and practical problems related to pest management are put forward.