中老年知识分子是我国的宝贵财富,是建设四化中的重要力量,对于中老年的疾病采取积极有效的防治,使之能“健康长寿”是摆在我们医务工作者面前的重要课题。 我校对老年保健工作已开展六年之久,如设家庭病床,派专职医生定期巡诊,对于老年的健康有重要作用。但因学校教职员工家属人数较多,又分两个校址,所以医务人员相对较少,这项工作还做得很不够。对中年知识分子保健工作除每年一次的体检及一般的门诊、巡诊治疗外,还没能开设家庭病床。
Middle-aged and elderly intellectuals are our country’s precious wealth and an important force in the process of building the four modernizations. Active and effective prevention and control of middle-aged and aged diseases so that they can be “healthy and long-lived” are important topics for our medical workers. My school has been carrying out elderly health care work for six years. Setting up a family bed and sending a full-time doctor on a regular basis will play an important role in the health of the elderly. However, due to the large number of family members of the school staff and the two school sites, the medical staffs are relatively few and the work has not been done enough. In addition to the annual middle-aged intellectual health work in addition to the annual physical examination and general out-patient, tour treatment, but also failed to set up family beds.