20世纪90年代以来 ,三化螟在我市发生危害逐年加重 ,已成为影响水稻高产稳产的重要害虫。因此 ,该虫的测报是否准确显得非常重要。为此 ,2001年市植保站布置淮阴、金湖、盱眙3个县(区)对三化螟产卵规律进行观察 ,现将观察调查的结果报道如下 :1调查方法在各代三化
Since the 90s of the 20th century, the damage of the rice stem borer in the city has been increasing year by year, and it has become an important pest that affects the high and stable yield of rice. Therefore, it is very important that the insects measure accurately. To this end, in 2001 the city plant protection station layout Huaiyin, Jinhu, Qionglai 3 counties (districts) on the eggs of the three yellow-bellied adults to observe the rules, the observations are now reported as follows: 1 survey methods in the three generations of chemical