Association between single nucleotide polymorphisms on chromosome 17q and the risk of prostate cance

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In European populations,7 single nucleotide polymorphisms(SNPs) on chromosome 17q,3 SNPs on 17q12,and 4 SNPs on 17q24.3 were recently identified to be closely related to the risk of prostate cancer by a genome-wide association study.In Japanese populations,the correlation between 2 SNPs on 17q and the risk of prostate cancer and tumor aggressiveness was also confirmed by a large-scale experiment.However,whether 17q is associated with prostate cancer and its clinical manifestations in Chinese populations is still unknown.Therefore,we conducted a case-control study in a northern Chinese population and tested 2 SNPs,rs4430796 and rs1859962,on 17q in 124 prostate cancer patients and 111 controls using polymerase chain reaction-high resolution melting curve(PCR-HRM) combined with sequencing.We analyzed the association of the 2 SNPs with the risk of prostate cancer as well as patients’ lifestyles,onset ages,Gleason scores,PSA levels,and pathologic stages.We found a significant difference in the G allele of SNP rs1859962(P = 0.035,OR = 1.51,95% CI = 1.03-2.21) but not in the rs4430796 genotype frequency or allele frequency distribution between prostate cancer patients and the controls(P > 0.05).Neither of the SNPs was significantly associated with the onset age,Gleason score,PSA level,pathologic stage,or other clinical indicators of patients with prostate cancer(P > 0.05).Our results show that polymorphism of the G allele of SNP rs1859962 is associated with the risk of prostate cancer in a Chinese population. In European populations, 7 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) on chromosome 17q, 3 SNPs on 17q12, and 4 SNPs on 17q24.3 were recently identified to be closely related to the risk of prostate cancer by a genome-wide association study. Japanese populations, the correlation between 2 SNPs on 17q and the risk of prostate cancer and tumor aggressiveness was also confirmed by a large-scale experiment. Whether or not 17q is associated with prostate cancer and its clinical manifestations in Chinese populations is still unknown. Herefore, we conducted a case-control study in a northern Chinese population and tested 2 SNPs, rs4430796 and rs1859962, on 17q in 124 prostate cancer patients and 111 controls using polymerase chain reaction-high resolution melting curve (PCR-HRM) combined with sequencing .We analyzed the association of the 2 SNPs with the risk of prostate cancer as well as patients’ lifestyles, onset ages, Gleason scores, PSA levels, and pathologic stages. We found a significant difference in the G allele of SNP rs1859962 (P = 0.035, OR = 1.51, 95% CI = 1.03-2.21) but not in the rs4430796 genotype frequency or allele frequency distribution between prostate cancer patients and the controls (P> 0.05). Neither of the SNPs were significantly associated with the onset age, Gleason score, PSA level, pathologic stage, or other clinical indicators of patients with prostate cancer (P> 0.05). Our results show that polymorphism of the G allele of SNP rs1859962 is associated with the risk of prostate cancer in a Chinese population.
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