自《左传》提出“国之大事,在祀与戎”的说法以后,历代封建统治者多守为信条。直至明洪武初年,朱元璋勅谕神乐观时仍在复述。清统治者则认为“祀典礼莫大于郊”,故依前明旧制,把祭天列为大祀,且居大祀之首。其典礼在宫廷生活中占有重要位置,祭天乐舞,也随着祭天典礼变动着、延续着。 祭天始于何时?宋人高承引《黄帝内传》
Since the “Zuo Zhuan” put forward the idea of “state affairs, sacrifice and worship”, the feudal rulers of various dynasties kept more faith. Until the early Hongwu Wu, Zhu Yuanzhang encyclical God optimistic still repeat. The rulers of the Qing dynasty believed that “sacrificial ceremonies are greater than the suburbs,” so they rely on the Ming and the Ming dynasties and list the sacrificial days as the great sacrificial offering and the first place in the big sacrificial offering. The ceremonial ceremony occupies an important position in the court life, worship music, but also with the festival ceremony changes, continuation. Heaven began when? Song high cited “Yellow Emperor Biography”