甲级A组赛为了国家队集训,暂停至本月5日,通览前四轮比赛,总的感觉是比赛气氛浓厚,观众的上座率较为理想,12支球队空前投入,赛况起伏跌宕。1994年的甲级A组赛无疑开了一个好头。 前四轮赛事结束后,上海队四战全捷积8分高居榜首,四川队出人意料地也以不败战绩积7分位居第二。之后是山东队、大连队、辽宁队、北京队、广州队、八一队、吉林队、沈阳队、江苏队和广东队。 上海队从成绩上看,的确令人震惊,徐根宝执教上海队后,重新拾起他在国奥队执掌教鞭时的那一套。逼抢、快攻、再逼抢,生猛的打法令与之交手的北京、广州、沈阳、八一队无所适从,4场比赛攻入
Class A Group A match for the national team training, suspended until the 5th of this month, the first four rounds of the tour, the general feeling is the atmosphere of the game, the audience attendance is more ideal, 12 teams hitherto unprecedented investment, ups and downs ups and downs. 1994 Class A Group A game undoubtedly opened a good head. After the first four rounds of events, the Shanghai team topped the list with a total score of 8 in all four wars and the Sichuan team unexpectedly ranked second with an unbeaten record of 7 points. After Shandong, Dalian, Liaoning, Beijing, Guangzhou, Bayi, Jilin, Shenyang, Jiangsu and Guangdong teams. Shanghai team from the results point of view, it is indeed shocking, Xu Genbao coached the Shanghai team, picked up when he was in charge of the Olympic team coach set. Forced to grab, fast break, then forced to grab, violent play order to fight with Beijing, Guangzhou, Shenyang, Bayi team know what to do, four games scored