各州、市、县人民政府,各地区行政公署,省直各厅、局、委、办: 现将《国务院关于企业离退休人员增加离退休金的通知》转发给你们,结合我省实际,提出以下意见,请一并贯彻执行。一、根据《国务院关于企业离退休人员增加离退休金的通知》,决定从1992年1月起适当增加离退休人员的离退休金。未参加1985年工资制度改革的全民所有制企业离休、退休人员,每人每月增发10元离休、退休金。二、全民所有制企业离休、退休(含退职)人员,按本人月基本离休、退休金(包括上述增发的10元)的10%增加离休、退休金。离休人员增加数额不足12元的,按12元发给;退休人员增加数额不足10元的,按10元发给。
State, city and county people’s governments, regional administrative offices, provincial departments, bureaux, committees and commissions: We hereby forward to you the Circular of the State Council on Increasing Retirement Benefits for Retired Employees of Enterprises, and in light of the reality of our province The following comments, please implement them together. I. According to the “Notice of the State Council on Increasing Retirement Benefits for Retired Employees of Enterprises”, it has been decided to appropriately increase the retirement benefits for retirees from January 1992. Retired and retired people who have not participated in the reform of the wage system in 1985 are retired and retired 10 yuan per person per month. II. For retired and retired employees (including those who have resigned), the wholly state-owned enterprises shall retired and become pensioners at a rate of 10% of their retirement pension (including the above-mentioned additional 10 yuan) based on their monthly basic retirement. Retired personnel to increase the amount of less than 12 yuan, issued by 12 yuan; retired staff to increase the amount of less than 10 yuan, according to 10 yuan.