Turner\'s综合征是一种染色体异常的疾病,约占新生儿中的1/5,000,部分患者合并心血管畸形,以主动脉缩窄多见。我们遇到1例具有Turner\'s典型外表,核型为45xo,左右心室造影证实有主动脉缩窄及肺动脉分支发育不良,特报告如下: 患儿,女,8岁,因生后发现心脏杂音,活动后心慌、气喘,怀疑为先天性心脏病,于1981年8月7日入院检查。患儿生后发育差,常哭闹,易感冒,1岁半会走,智力发育同一般儿童。自幼无紫绀及缺氧发作史,患儿为第2胎,足月顺产,母亲妊娠中无风疹及感冒史,家族史无异常发现。体检:身材矮小,
Turner\'s syndrome is a chromosomal abnormality, accounting for about 1 / 5,000 of newborns, some patients with cardiovascular malformations, aortic stenosis more common. We encountered a case of Turner\'s typical appearance, karyotype of 45xo, left and right ventricular angiography confirmed aortic constriction and pulmonary artery branch dysplasia, special report is as follows: children, female, 8 years old, found after birth heart murmur, activity After palpitation, asthma, suspected congenital heart disease, admitted to hospital on August 7, 1981. Children with poor development after birth, often crying, cold easily, 1 year and a half will go, mental development with the general children. No cyanosis and hypoxia since childhood history, the second child, full-term pregnancy, rubella and cold mother\'s pregnancy history, no abnormal family history found. Physical examination: short stature,