Cast-in-place concrete floor ceiling template patchwork leakage is one of the common engineering quality common problems. Usually used as a template for cast-in-place concrete floor veneer, slab affixed double-sided adhesive tape to achieve the purpose of processing template leakage. However, in the pouring of concrete, concrete pulp along the double-sided adhesive tape into the plate seam leakage to form the seam. This suture caused by leakage of floor ceiling ceiling surface roughness and perception of quality does not meet the construction acceptance requirements, must be dealt with. In particular, after the turnaround of the wood formwork, it is difficult to remove the double-sided adhesive tape and grout, which further widens the width of the slats and increases the leakage of the slab joints. To this end, on the cast-in-place reinforced concrete floor (cover) construction and lead to the cause of cracking, prevention and treatment measures to provide some advice.