成大事离不开众人人人都企盼成功,人人都在寻求通往成功的捷径。那么到底成功有无诀窍? 这个问题不知使古往今来多少英雄豪杰伤透脑筋,作为一个领导,面对手下千军万马,你怎样做到成功地统率部下? 做一个领导者,成功当然有路可循。只要你有心开发创造,集众智努力耕耘, 也就是要活用众人的智慧,寻得力量源泉,因而才能扭转乾坤,登上成功者的宝座。试想,如果每个人都拥用比我们更差的人,那我们就会变成一家侏儒单位;相反,如果我们都拥用比自己更好的人,我们就变成了一家巨人单位。刘邦,一介布衣皇帝,出身卑微,却能白手起家,缔造海内一统的伟大功业。
Everyone is looking for a shortcut to success. So in the end success without know-how? This question I do not know how many heroes throughout the history of the brain-wrenching, as a leader in the face of the men of all kinds, how do you successfully led the subordinates? To be a leader, of course, Follow. As long as you have the heart to develop and create, set the wisdom of hard work, that is, to use the wisdom of all people, find the source of strength, so as to reverse the world, boarded the throne of winners. Imagine, if everyone has worse people than us, then we will become a dwarf unit; on the contrary, if we all own better people than ourselves, we become a giant unit. Liu Bang, a commoner emperors, humble origins, can start from scratch, to create a unified domestic work great.