幽门螺杆菌(Helicobacter pylori,Hp)是非贲门胃腺癌和胃粘膜相关淋巴样组织(MALT)淋巴瘤最重要的危险因子。目前普遍认为Hp根除治疗是肠化生发生之前行之有效的治疗手段。然而单一根除Hp只能一定程度减缓胃癌的发病率。Hp与胃部恶性肿瘤之间的关系尚未明了,Hp的致癌效应涉及Hp与胃上皮细胞粘附、Ⅳ型分泌系统促进代谢物易位导致的胃上皮细胞的信号转导途径改变等方面。本文从流行病学、治疗方法学以及发病机制等方面对幽门螺杆菌与胃部恶性肿瘤的研究近况进行综述。
Helicobacter pylori (Hp) is the most important risk factor for non-cardia gastric adenocarcinoma and gastric mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue (MALT) lymphoma. It is generally accepted that Hp eradication therapy is an effective treatment for intestinal metaplasia. However, a single eradication of Hp can only reduce the incidence of gastric cancer to a certain extent. The relationship between Hp and gastric malignant neoplasms is unclear. The carcinogenic effect of Hp involves the adhesion of Hp to gastric epithelial cells and the change of signal transduction pathways of gastric epithelial cells caused by the secretion of metabolites through the type Ⅳ secretion system. This article reviews the current status of Helicobacter pylori and stomach cancer from epidemiology, treatment methodology and pathogenesis.