为探索适合我国的事故数据深度采集标准,并分析城市道路交通事故特征及致因,基于《道路交通事故深度调查信息采集表》(简称采集表),调查人员随交警赴事故现场随机详细调查87起城市道路交通事故。借鉴“Haddon Matrix”思想建立致因分析矩阵系统,分析事故的致因。发现采集表对事故地点、事故形态及原因项分类更加具体、明确,女性驾驶员的事故发生率略低于男性驾驶员,驾驶员年龄超过60岁后,发生事故的危险性显著提高,“交叉口影响区”事故50%由变更车道引起,非机动车驾驶员未戴安全头盔是造成严重伤害的重要原因。
In order to explore the deep acquisition standards of accident data suitable for our country and analyze the characteristics and causes of urban road traffic accidents, based on the Road Traffic Accident Information Collection Table (referred to as the collection table), investigators randomly went to the scene of the accident with traffic police 87 City road traffic accidents. Using “Haddon Matrix” thought to establish a causal analysis matrix system to analyze the causes of accidents. Found that the collection table for the accident location, the cause of the accident and the classification of causes more specific, clear, the female driver accident rate slightly lower than the male driver, the driver over the age of 60, the risk of accidents significantly increased Intersection affected area "50% of the accidents caused by the change lane, non-motor vehicle drivers did not wear safety helmets is an important cause of serious injury.