琉璃苣(Borago officinalis)又名紫花草、琉璃花,为紫草科琉璃苣属一年生草本植物,原产地中海地区,在欧洲和北美广泛栽培,其种子富含γ-亚麻酸(GLA)、亚油酸和多种维生素、矿物质成分。张掖市祁连山沿山冷凉区属祁连山高寒亚干旱区和河西温带冷干旱区,海拨较高,干燥少雨,十分适宜琉璃苣的种植。1选地、整地应选择地势平整、灌水便利、肥力中上,土壤墒情
Borage (Borago officinalis), also known as purple flowers, glass flowers, borage broomcaceae is an annual herb, native to the Mediterranean region, widely cultivated in Europe and North America, the seeds rich in γ-linolenic acid (GLA), Asia Oleic acid and various vitamins, mineral ingredients. The cold area along the Qilian Mountains in Zhangye City belongs to the alpine sub-arid area in the Qilian Mountains and the cold arid area in the western Hexi Corridor, with high altitude and dryness and little rain. It is very suitable for the cultivation of borage. 1 election, site preparation should be flat terrain, irrigation convenience, fertility, soil moisture