
来源 :新医学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:winxb
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问:颅内出血与新生儿自身的发育特点有何关系? 答:颅内出血(ICH)是新生儿时期的危重疾病,引起该病的主要原因除却缺氧和产伤外,与新生儿自身的发育特点亦有密切关系。1.颅内解剖结构不完善:新生儿脑室周围区域是胶原性组织,缺乏弹性纤维,支撑血管的力量小。脑室周围的小静脉有特殊的解剖结构,它们在Monro孔和豆状核头部,汇成大脑内静脉,在该处血流方向逆转,当压力升高时,易于出血。早产儿生发基质结构较松弛,毛细血管由单层内皮细胞组成血管壁,缺 Q: What is the relationship between intracranial hemorrhage and the development of the newborn? A: Intracranial hemorrhage (ICH) is a critical illness in the neonatal period, the main cause of the disease in addition to hypoxia and birth injury, and neonatal development Features are also closely related. 1. Intracranial anatomical structure is imperfect: Neonatal periventricular area is collagen tissue, the lack of elastic fibers, supporting the strength of blood vessels. The small veins around the ventricles have a special anatomical structure that merges into the inner ventricle of the brain at the Monro holes and the nucleus pulposus where blood flow reverses and bleeds easily when the pressure is elevated. Premature children hair growth matrix structure is more relaxed, capillary blood vessels composed of monolayer of endothelial cells, the lack of
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面对未来,顾德章激情依然。在没有归期的事业之旅中,他将以不懈的进取续写人生新的篇章 采访顾德章真的很不容易,他实在太忙了 Facing the future, Gu Dezhang passion rem
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患儿男,45d。以突然哭闹、尖叫4h,喷射状呕吐1次,于1990年11月10日入院。患儿系足月顺产第1胎,出生体重5.4kg。无窒息及外伤史,母乳喂养,家族中无出血性疾病史。 Children