Self-organized criticality of power system faults and its application in adaptation to extreme clima

来源 :Chinese Science Bulletin | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:chen_2006tt
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This paper analyzes the statistics of faults in a transmission and distribution networks in central China, unveils long-term autocorrelation and power law distribution of power system faults, which indicates that power system fault has self-organized criticality (SOC) feature. The conclusion is consistent with the power systems data in 2008 with ice storm present. Since power systems cover large areas, climate is the key factor to its safety and stability. In-depth analysis shows that the SOC of atmosphere system contributes much to that of power system faults. Extreme climate will be more intense and frequent with global warming, it will have more and more impact upon power systems. The SOC feature of power system faults is utilized to develop approaches to facilitate power systems adaptation to climate variation in an economical and efficient way. This paper analyzes the statistics of faults in a transmission and distribution networks in central China, unveils long-term autocorrelation and power law distribution of power system faults, which indicates that power system fault has self-organized criticality (SOC) feature. consistent with the power system data in 2008 with ice storm present. Since power systems cover large areas, climate is the key factor to its safety and stability. In-depth analysis shows that the SOC of atmosphere system contributes much to that of power system faults . Extreme climate will be more intense and frequent with global warming, it will have more and more impact upon power systems. The SOC feature of power system faults is utilized to develop approaches to facilitate power systems adaptation to climate variation in an economical and efficient way .
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目的:  观察小切口结合手法整复穿针内固定治疗新鲜闭合性跟骨SandersIV型骨折的临床疗效。  方法:  采用前瞻随机对照临床研究设计方案。从2011年03月~2011年09月在佛山