5月13日至25日,国家统计局在北京举办了第20期省统计局长研究班,来自21个省(区、市)及计划单列市统计局的 21名正副局长参加了学习。 本次研究班能取得圆满成功,主要归纳为以下四个方面: 1.领导重视和支持 本次研究班得到了国家统计局领导的高度重视和大力
From May 13 to May 25, the National Bureau of Statistics of China held the 20th Provincial Bureau of Statistics on Statistics in Beijing. 21 directors and deputy directors from 21 provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities) and the cities under separate state planning participated in the study. The seminar can be a success, mainly summarized in the following four aspects: 1. The leadership attaches great importance to and supports this research class has received the leadership of the National Bureau of Statistics attaches great importance and vigorously