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基于非线性本构关系与厚板理论,研究了一种采用增量步迭代法对复合材料厚层合板渐进失效过程进行双轴刚度特性分析的方法。以三维Hashin失效准则为单层板失效判据,当层合板中有一层或多层被检测到失效时,对失效层进行刚度折减,并在增量过程中不断更新刚度矩阵。采用有限元软件MSC.Patran自带的编程语言PCL,编写了计算程序。应用该程序分别对不同材料和不同铺层的层合板算例进行非线性刚度计算,给出了不同的铺层和材料组合下层合板在不同载荷比下的应力-应变曲线,展示了层合板渐进失效过程中应力-应变的变化关系,为复合材料厚板失效分析过程中的刚度变化提供理论与计算依据。 Based on the nonlinear constitutive relation and the theory of thick slab, a method of incremental bivariate iterative method for biaxial stiffness analysis of progressive failure of composite thick laminates has been studied. Taking the three-dimensional Hashin failure criterion as the failure criterion of single-layer slab, when one or more layers in the laminate are detected as failure, the stiffness of the failure layer is reduced and the stiffness matrix is ​​continuously updated in the incremental process. Using finite element software MSC.Patran own programming language PCL, prepared a calculation program. The program was used to calculate the nonlinear stiffness of the laminates with different materials and different layups respectively. The stress-strain curves of the laminates under different load ratios were given under different layups and material combinations. The relationship between stress and strain in failure process provides theoretical and calculation basis for the change of stiffness in failure process of composite thick slab.
人的行为模式  研究人的行为模式是揭示行为规律的重要工具。由于人具有自然属性和社会属性,人的行为模式通常也从这两个角度来研究。一是从人的自然属性角度,即从生理学意义
Ensuring a minimum operational level of road networks in the presence of unexpected incidents is becoming a hot subject in academic circles as well as industry.
采用309焊丝对中国低活化马氏体(CLAM)钢和316L不锈钢进行TIG焊,并利用光学显微镜、扫描电镜和维氏硬度仪分析对接接头的微观组织和显微硬度分布。结果表明,CLAM-316L TIG焊