Synthesis of Di-substituted Proazaphosphatrane and Its Application in Carbon-carbon Double-bond Isom

来源 :Chemical Research in Chinese Universities | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lishimuyi
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Diisopropyltren was synthesized from the reaction of tren with benzaldehyde in toluene, followed by reducing the imine intermediate with NaBH 4 , and debenzylation catalyzed by 10% Pd/C in methanol. It was then converted to its corresponding azaphosphatrane via ring-closing reaction of HMPT and triflic acid. Deprotonation of azaphosphatrane with potassium t-butoxide afforded the target diisopropyl proazaphosphatrane 1d. A comparative study of compound 1d for isomerization of allylic system and methylene-interrupted diene system revealed that compound 1d is more efficient than its tri-substituted analoque(1b). In acetonitrile at 40 °C, allylaromatics were selectively isomerized to 1-arylpropene generally in an isolated yield more than 95% with trans, cis molar ratios in a range of 87/13 to 96/4. Allyl phenylsulfide was converted to 1-phenylthiopropene(molar ratio of Z/E=54/46) in a yield of 93%―95%. Methylene-interrupted dienes were also isomerized in high yield. Diisopropyltren was synthesized from the reaction of tren with benzaldehyde in toluene, followed by reducing the imine intermediate with NaBH 4, and debenzylation catalyzed by 10% Pd / C in methanol. It was then converted to its corresponding azaphosphatrane via ring-closing reaction of HMPT and triflic acid. Deprotonation of azaphosphatrane with potassium t-butoxide afforded the target diisopropyl proazaphosphatrane 1d. A comparative study of compound 1d for isomerization of allylic system and methylene-interrupted diene system that compound 1d is more efficient than its tri-substituted analoque ( 1b). In acetonitrile at 40 ° C, allylaromatics were selectively isomerized to 1-arylpropene generally in an isolated yield more than 95% with trans, cis molar ratios in a range of 87/13 to 96/4. Allyl phenylsulfide was converted to 1-phenylthiopropene (molar ratio of Z / E = 54/46) in a yield of 93% -95%. Methylene-interrupted dienes were also isomerized in high yield.
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她,是个成绩中等的学生。每次考试,成绩总是中不溜秋,高也高不上去,低也低不下来,始终是“原地踏步走”。  她得不到老师的青睐,老师常常找同学谈心,但总是轮不到她。而每次老师和同学谈话,从开始到结束,她都在等,耐心地等。她多么希望老师能走过来,轻轻地敲一下她的桌子,然后,她跟在老师后面慢慢地走出去……  期中考试又结束了,老师照例又开始了谈心工作,成绩中等的她又开始了漫长的等待。  晚自习的铃响后,