1989年全国卫生厅局长会议提出了我国农村实现2000年人人享有卫生保健的规划目标和分阶段达标的设想,卫生部和各省卫生厅先后下发了全国和各省的规划目标(讨论稿),并要求各地积极开展工作。在这项新的工作中,如何走好制定当地卫生发展规划的第一步,是摆在我们面前的当务之急。本文就如何组织区域性概略规划的制定进行如下讨论: 一、成立技术组织,学习基本知识政府组织有关部门成立规划制定技术组织,卫生行政部门承担着规划制定的主要任务并起协调作用。规划的制定是一项技术性很强的新工作,因此,首先应在卫生系统内部加强基础知识的学习。可以采
In 1989, the National Directorate of Health Affairs of the People’s Republic of China proposed the realization of the goal of planning for health care for everyone in 2000 in the rural areas and the concept of subordination in stages. The Ministry of Health and provincial health departments have issued national and provincial planning goals (discussion drafts). And require all regions to actively carry out their work. In this new job, how to take the first step in formulating a local health development plan is a matter of urgency before us. This article discusses how to organize the formulation of a regional outline plan: 1. Establish a technical organization and learn basic knowledge. The government organizes relevant departments to set up plans to formulate technical organizations. Health administrative departments undertake the major tasks of planning and development and play a coordinating role. The formulation of the plan is a new, highly technical work. Therefore, the basic knowledge should first be strengthened within the health system. Can adopt