Mass petition refers to a specific social group for some common interests or purposes, the legal channels, the implementation of social order disorder affect the disorderly behavior. As a common manifestation of mass incidents, mass petitions may be exacerbated into mass incidents if they are interfered with by ulterior motives, or if we handle them improperly. In recent years, the number of mass petitions has increased and the frequency has been accelerating. This has not only diverted the energies of the party and government departments and other relevant agencies but has also become a disturbed factor that disrupts working order, production order, living order and social order and affects one side’s stability . Taking Fenghua City in Zhejiang Province as an example, more than 10 people came to the township and township. The petitions and sit-in of petitioners and city hall increased year by year. In 1995, 31 cases were reported, 37 cases in 1996 and 41 cases in 1997. Therefore, it is very urgent to pay attention to the research on the causes and countermeasures of mass petitions and to predict the development of mass petitions.