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2004年6月30日,中国国情研究会第三届代表大会在国宏宾馆召开,共有103人到会。会议总结了上一届工作,明确了新一届的工作方针。选举了新一届的领导机构,通过了修改后的《中国国情研究会章程》。中国国情研究会新任名誉会长、国家统计局局长李德水同志在会上提出了“三农”问题出路何在?城镇化、工业化、现代化道路如何走?如何制定我国的能源战略等十大研究课题。新当选会长邱晓华在讲话中分析了中国国情研究会面临的新形势,提出了中国国情研究会肩负的新任务和对中国国情研究会的新要求。国家统计局国际中心李晓超同志当选为秘书长。中国国情研究会是在老一辈无产阶级革命家倡导和关怀下成立的、以研究中国国情为宗旨的社会团体。中国国情研究会成立10余年来做了大量有益的工作,取得了较好的社会效益。 On June 30, 2004, the third congress of China’s National Economy Research Institute was held in Guohong Hotel, with a total of 103 participants. The meeting summed up the previous work, made clear the new work guideline. Election of the new leading agency, adopted the revised “China’s national conditions research association charter.” At the conference, Comrade Li Deshui, newly appointed honorary president and director of the National Bureau of Statistics of China, put forward the question of how to solve the “three rural issues.” How to go about the road of urbanization, industrialization and modernization, and how to draw up China’s energy strategy? Question. In his speech, Qiu Xiaohua, the newly elected president, analyzed the new situation confronting China’s national conditions research institute and proposed the new tasks shouldered by the China’s national conditions research institute and the new requirements for the seminar on China’s national conditions. National Bureau of Statistics International Center comrade Li Xiaomei was elected as secretary general. The China National Conditions Research Council is a social group established under the advocacy and care of the proletarian revolutionaries of the older generation to study China’s national conditions. After more than 10 years of establishment of the China National Conditions Research Institute, a great deal of useful work has been done and good social benefits have been achieved.
美国马里兰州贝尔茨维尔的作物病理学家詹姆斯·丁·马罗斯和他的合作者发现普通土壤中,有一种名叫 Talaromyces flafus 的真菌,能强有力的对付轮枝孢属真菌对茄子的侵害。
作为营销人,我对恒源祥的策划能力、传播运作能力佩服得五体投地;作为消费者。被恒源祥将我等玩弄于股掌之间。让我无话可说。  若恒源祥此次炒作纯属无心插柳,则可归为运气。若恒源祥是有意栽花,则此次炒作绝对可算营销界的扛鼎之作。  笔者假设恒源祥是刻意策划,那么现在让我们试着还原整个事件的幕后策划过程吧。在此声明:以下内容为戏谈,纯属笔者臆测,请勿考证。  自重金拿下了2008北京奥运赞助商资格后,恒源
故障现象接通主机电源 ,按ON键 ,控制台得电 ,不能进行自检 ,无显示。故障分析与检修控制台能开机说明开机电路正常 ,不能自检 ,无显示 ,可能是直流电源故障造成。自检和显示电
随着科技发展和社会需求的增加 ,各大医院购进的大型医疗设备越来越多 ,设备结构越来越复杂 ,维护和维修工作相应地越来越重要。根据多年来的维修工作经验 ,维修工作中有几条
<正> 紫苏Perilla frutescens Britton var.a-cuta Kudo在临床上治疗抑郁症及与焦虑相关的疾病。为确定其生物活性成分,作者研究了该植物中芹黄素和2,4,5-三甲氧基肉桂酸(TMC
In Beijing, a dynamic amateur choir is gaining a growing profile in the music circle and beyond. Twice a week, rain or shine, 38 choir members come from differe