青稞是我区主要粮食作物。在整个生育期内,除地下害虫和蚜虫在局部地区为害稍重外,近年来以新发现的缺翅黄蓟马为害尤重。已成为我区部分农区的重要害虫。兹将近年来调查观察的材料整理如下: 一、分类地位: 缺翅黄蓟马APtinothriPs. sP(藏语“尼布”,意为穗期害虫)属缨翅目,蓟马科。此属的A.sufus在印度曾发现为害大、小麦,我国尚系初次记录。
Barley is my area’s main food crops. Throughout the growth period, in addition to underground pests and aphids in a small area of some serious damage, in recent years with the newly discovered winged Thrips tabaci particularly harmful. Has become an important pest of some agricultural areas in our region. In recent years, the materials we have surveyed and summarized are as follows: I. Taxonomic status: APtinothriPs. SP (Tibetan Nibus, meaning spike pests) are Thysanoptera and Thripsidae. A.sufus of this genus was found to have caused great harm in India. Wheat, our country is still the first record.