贵州为典型的喀斯特高原山区 ,喀斯特发育的碳酸盐类岩出露面积达全省总面积的 73%.由于自然因素和人为干扰活动的影响 ,致使生态环境严重退化 ,水土流失面积达 43 5%,石漠化面积达 1 33万km2 ,且每年还正以 933hm2 的速率扩展 ,已成为制约社会经济发展的主要障碍 ,恢复与重建生态环境已成了十分突出的问题和任务.文章从理论上阐述了喀斯特山区生态恢复与重建的基本措施和模式 ,并结合实例分析了它们所能产生的环境效益 ,提出了加快贵州喀斯特山区生态恢复与重建的主要对策和建议“,”Guizhou is a typical karst plateau,with an area of 73% of its land,and eco-environment is very fragile,about to 43.5% of the total is soil erosion,about 1.33*10 4km 2 with in the area has been changed into the rock-desert,and it's worse, that is spreading for 933 hm 2 each year .It is a major objective for restricting development of social and economic in Guizhou karst mountain areas .This paper analyses the characteristics of eco-environment, states the effective way and measure, explored the fundamental models and environmental beneficial results of ecological rehabilitation in Guizhou karst mountain areas,and puts forward suggestions and countermeasure of ecological rehabilitation and sustainable development in Guizhou karst mountain areas